So here’s the deal. I can provide you with quality signs at affordable prices. Vinyl banners, any size. Full color yard signs, piece of cake. Here’s some examples:
Coroplast Yard Signs
These are the same signs you see all over for real estate agents and folks running for office. Except these are full color at no extra charge. Heck, you can make every letter on your sign a different color, no problem. You can put pictures of your dog on your sign, no problem. What’s the catch? Well, this. These prices are based on printing a 4×8 sheet of material, so the catch is you have to order as many signs as fits on that sheet. You can order one sign that’s 4×8, or two signs that are 4×4 or whatever. It doesn’t need to be all the same sign, and if you order two-sided, it doesn’t need to be the same image on both sides. So when you ask for eight 24″x24″ signs, that means you can do eight different signs if you want. You can do four signs that say “House for Sale” with a different picture of the house on each sign, and four more signs with pictures of great moments from your most recent vacation to put on the front lawn. Whatever.
Many sizes available – Here are some prices on sample sample sizes based on your camera-ready art:
16 signs*, 18”x12”
Printed four-color one side $90 ($5.63 each)
Printed four-color both sides, $100 ($6.25 each)
10 signs*, 24”x18”
Printed four-color one side $90 ($9.00 each)
Printed four-color both sides $100 ($10.00 each)
8 signs*, 24”x24”
Printed four-color one side $90 ($11.25 each)
Printed four-color on both sides $100 ($12.50 each)
Sign stakes, $1.20 each.
*minimum quantity per size, but can include multiple sign images.
Outdoor Vinyl Banners
Many sizes available – sample prices based on your camera-ready art:
1 banner 4’x 6’
Single-sided: $75
Double-sided: $200
1 banner, 6’x3’
Single-sided: $65
Double-sided: $175
1 banner, 8’x4’
Single-sided: $120
Double-sided: $270
Custom graphic and design services also available.
If you don’t have camera-ready art work I can help you with layout and graphics work.
Contact me if you have questions or would like a quote on your sign project.
Steven Durland
Phone: 336-376-8404